„Work of art - writes Henri Focillon [1, 22]- is an attempt to unique it is asserted in the mass, as an absolute and the same time, it belongs to a system of complex relations. It results from an independent activity, transposing a superior and a free dreaming, but at the same time, the energies of the civilizations converge toward it. At last, to respect the terms of an above-ground opposition, the work of art is matter and spirit, form and content. The one devoted it definiteness, do it depending on an exactingness one’s nature and of the severalty nature of his researches. The one who creates it, when he passes to it analysis, is placed into another plan than who comments on it and even if he use the same terms, do it another sense...â€
- Foccillon describes and systematizes the life of the forms, but is kept away from those “priori essencesâ€, ultimate, relating to art experience
- The art forms constitute an order and this order is animated of the motion life
- The fundamentally content of the form is a formal content
- The form don’t acts as a superior principle to model a passive mass, because it can considered as the matter enforces to form his own form
Full Text:
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