Dynamic Behavior of Road Structures
The present paper deals with dynamic effect induced by traffic loads in flexible pavements. The dynamic effect is not accounted by current design approaches. This fact is due the high complexity of the dynamic analysis and the difficulty of assessing the real behavioral parameters. In order to obtain confident results, one should use advanced numerical tools such as dedicated finite element software. The numerical software should be able to perform dynamic analysis and to model as accurate as possible the traffic loading conditions.
In the framework of this study will be summarized the main design demands and design methods for pavements according with the actual national and European prescriptions. In the same time will be described the possibility to use advanced mathematical procedures based on finite element analysis with the help of ABAQUS code. One pavement flexible system will be comparatively analysis presenting in detail the main steps and introduced parameters such as: defining the traffic loading conditions, modeling of the pavement structures, constrains, contact interactions, boundary conditions, material laws etc.
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