Influence of spew fillets geometry on the bond strength of adhesively bonded FRP composite elements
The adhesive bonding is a suitable joining technique for structural assemblies made of composite materials. Adhesive bonding of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite elements is utilised in several applications, including surface repairing for various composite materials, strengthening/retrofitting techniques and, as a sustainable alternative/replacement, when mechanical fastening methods are not suitable.
This paper focuses on some specific aspects related to the influence of stress reduction methods using various spew fillets on the structural response of adhesively bonded FRP composite elements. Also, this paper presents the influence of the adhesive spew fillet geometry on the peak values and on the distributions of the shear and the normal stresses in adhesively bonded FRP composite members.
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Technical data sheet - Sikadur – 30, Id no. 02 04 01 04 001 000001, 21,01,2008, Brașov.
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