Expert systems in the BIM environment
In modern architectural practice, it is important the availability of software that makes it possible to compare design alternatives, gives quickly assessment of the architectural object - comprehensive or by individual components, makes energy modelling and resource balance, thermal parameters, optimises the form. System quality assessment of project increases with the expansion of technologies, the introduction of Building Information Model (BIM) and Building Energy Model (BEM). According to qualimetric analysis this project evaluation allows operating with the value of the floor space standard unit to the total building area, attractiveness and the level of investment risk.
The analysis is carried out at the level of 3D inspection of architectural and structural elements and at the level of structural parametric data that accompany these three-dimensional data for architectural, structural and engineering components of buildings and structures.
Expert System Allcheck in BIM-design environment allows to search "collisions", errors and to perform rapid analysis of structural elements incorporated in accordance with the regulations and requirements of government control and examination.
On a base, Allcheck ("Allbau Software") is executed verification of additional data (attributes) filling in accordance with the detailing project degree of LOD (Levels of Detail) according to interaction standard BIM-software based on data format IFC.
The development of Allcheck plugin would expand the number of inspections and the options: to add a groups of audits by regulatory requirements on the AX-3000 basis, to supplement verifying of thermal performance, the functional properties of space - regulatory indoor temperature and energy consumption, which enables approach to "zero energy" and rapid formation of energy passport of the building.
Full Text:
Levchenko O. BIM concept and demoecological approach as architectural and landscaping aspect of the formation of the urban environment. - Modern problems of architecture and urban planning, Scientific-technical edition. - K .: KNUCA, 2016.- #46.- p.107-111.
Levchenko O. Using IFC format in BIM technology. "Information technologies of modern architectural design" - Modern problems of architecture and urban planning, Scientific-technical edition. - K .: KNUCA, 2015.- #39.- p.106-111.
Kashchenko O.V., Mikhailenko A.V., Kashchenko T.O., Antao A. Information technologies at architectural education. –– Kharkiv: “Operativnaya poligrafiya”, 2015. –– 120 p.
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