Numerical Investigations of Stresses and Damage Distributions on the Layers of a Sandwich Beam with Composite Laminated Faces Subjected to Bending
The sandwich elements are multi-layered structures made of two strong and stiff thin exterior faces, bonded by a lightweight thick core, such that the structural properties of the entire assembly are superior to those of the separate components.
The composite laminates are build up by stacking two or more unidirectional fibre reinforced composite laminas, with different or same fibre orientation angles, thicknesses and materials constituents.
The design flexibility of composite structures is a great challenge since the advantage of orienting the composite laminas in the needed directions leads to improved structural properties of the whole assembly.
The paper presents the flexural response of a sandwich beam with exterior layers made of laminated composites with different fibre orientations. The results are presented in terms of distribution of stresses on the layers of the composite sandwich beam. The failure and the damage occurrence on the plies of the laminated facings are investigated according to the maximum strain failure criterion and to the modified Puck failure criterion.
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