Identification of static and dynamic responses for concrete bridges through electrical systems
Identification of static and dynamic responses of concrete bridges through the electrical systems make a significant contribution in determining the ease and accuracy with high technical and functional status of bridges in a short period of time.
Electrical systems using the latest technology are embedded in a variety of devices developed to give information on a single feature to the detailed information of ensemble that come with detailed instructions requiring their awareness.
Type of inspection to be adopted on a bridge is determined after a careful monitoring of his behavior since the start of construction and during the whole operation.
Tracking behavior of bridges should be conducted throughout the life of the bridge since construction and is a systematic collection and exploitation of information derived from observation and measurements of phenomena that characterize the properties and sizes of bridges in the process of interaction with the environment and technology.
Behavioral properties, and phenomena and their characteristic sizes, are chosen for each bridge separately, so that by means of assessment criteria and conditions related quality of construction intended to allow assessment of its suitability for operation, namely completion of the qualities that make it match.
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