Benefits and Drawbacks of Using on-line Assessments of Student Learning in Construction Education
Assessment of student learning is a critical step for achieving a quality learning environment in construction/civil engineering education. Proper assessment strategies are also significant drivers of the paradigm shift from instruction based education to learning based education. Additionally, accreditation requirements call for programs to “implement and support a systematic and broad-based approach to the assessment of student learningâ€.
The paper will review and compare the two major points of view on student learning: the constructivist instructional reform and the measurement/technical quality approach. The two methods of measuring student learning (summative evaluation and formative evaluation) will be described.
Even if on-line assessments of student learning use typical summative evaluation tools like tests, quizzes and surveys, they can also be categorized as formative when used constantly during the semester (i.e. practice tests or quizzes).
For the past three years the author has been the principal instructor for CONM150 “Heavy Construction Equipment†class which is taught to Construction Management (CM) freshmen. After two years of using traditional assessment techniques, in spring 2015 the instructor adopted Blackboard Learn (BB) as a course management software. Class assessments were exclusively offered through BB. The paper will cover the way in which assessments on BB were designed. A list of lessons learned will be presented based on grade comparison and also on the students’ feedback and comments.
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