A numerical study on the behaviour of eccentrically braced frames in seismic areas using finite element analysis
Eccentrically braced frames are a common structural typology in areas with seismic activity due to seismic energy dissipation capacity by deformation of the dissipative "link". The presence of the dissipative element allows the frame to withstand large seismic lateral forces by facilitating the formation of a plastic hinge in the link. In the case of short links failure occurs through shear of the web panel, in the case of long links failure occurs in bending, and in the case of intermediate link lengths, there is a combined effect. The current study is focused on eccentrically braced frames with short steel link element. There are many parameters that can influence the behaviour of the link, such as its length and slenderness of the steel profile, the presence of intermediate stiffeners or the presence of the concrete slab with or without shear connectors.
The current numerical study analyses the behaviour of eccentrically braced frames (EBFs) in the case of seismic loading, based on previous experimental data. The calibration of the numerical model is done by means of FEM software Abaqus while subjecting the model to both monotonic and cyclic loading. Due to the complex nature of the problem, different modelling solutions are investigated and compared.
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