Comparative Study Regarding the Choice of Structural System for Buildings with Regular Plan Configurations in Seismic Areas
The introduction of Eurocodes regulations imposed on masonry structure buildings the use of a large number of reinforcing elements, especially in areas with intense seismic activity. Thus, in the Moldavia area of Romania choosing the structural system for buildings with regular plan configuration, aiming for optimal price-performance ratio, is a current issue.
The paper presents an analysis of the behaviour of concrete frame structure and active masonry structure, for a building with regular plan configuration, placed on areas with different peak ground acceleration. Structural and architectural conformation of the building follows the current regulations, 2013 version. The study is conducted by using numerical modelling program ETABS, information on the properties of the used materials is obtained by tracking the sites of producers.
Finally, some conclusions and recommendations are mentioned regarding the choice of the structural system for buildings with regular plan configuration, as well as regarding structural conformation of active confined masonry walls.
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Seismic Design Code, Part 1 - P100-1/2013, Earthquake Resistant Design of buildings;
CR6/2013 – Masonry structures design code;
CR 0/2012 – Basis of structural design;
CR 1-1-3/2012 - “Design code: Assessment of snow action on structuresâ€;
SR EN 1991-1/2006 – Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions Wind actions. National Annex;;
Neophytou, V., Etabs Modelling, 2013;
Vasilache, M., Pruteanu M., ConstrucÈ›ii din zidărie. Curs. ÃŽndrumător de proiectare, Ed. Soc. Acad. „Matei – Teiu Botezâ€, 2014. (in Romanian)
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