Estudio del comportamiento de los hormigones reforzados con fibras cortas
An approach for the short fibers reinforced concrete behavior is presented in this work. A formulation based on a modification of the classical mixing theory to obtain the composite mechanical properties starting from the single compounding characteristics (concrete−short fibers) is developed. Numerical results obtained by means of the finite element method are also shown and the possibilities of using a simplified analytical method in the study of the short fibers reinforced concrete are commented.
The development of the work studies the behavior of the concrete reinforced with short fibers and the characteristics that justify its use. It studies the internal balance and the stress transmission mechanism between the concrete and the short fibers as well as the general formulation of the problem and its insertion within the frame of the finite element technique. A brief comment is made on the simplified treatment of the behavior of the concrete reinforced with short fibers and a validation example is presented.
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