Robustness of Civil Engineering Structures – A Modern Approach in Structural Design
The awareness of the significance of robustness of structures has gradually intensified over the years due to experiences with failure and collapse of many structures. Recent events caused by terrorist actions in different parts of the world have further emphasized the urgent need for development of rational approaches to ensure that risks to people, environment, assets and functionality of the societal infrastructure and built environment are acceptable and affordable to society. A significant amount of research has been invested into the various aspects of robustness resulting in a number of useful recommendations on how to achieve
robust structures.
However, despite many significant theoretical, methodical and technological advances, structural robustness is still an issue of controversy and poses difficulties with regard to its interpretation as well as regulation.
The aim of the present paper is to present some aspects regarding the assessment of the structural robustness based on the knowledge of the failure mechanisms and on the collapse avoiding methods. The currently used methods of designing for robust structural systems according to the Eurocodes are also specified.
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EN 1991-2002 – “Basis of Structural Designâ€.
EN 1991-1-7 Eurocode 1: Part 1-7 “Accidental Actionsâ€.
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