Experimental tests of a new class of steel joints
This paperwork presents the tests carried out in the Structural Testing Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of IaÅŸi on several assemblages of steel joints. The main goal was to find out the proper disposal of the node elements in order to optimize the joint behavior. This class of joints is designed for the thin-walled steel profiles. The joint boxes were used for the KONTI steel members.
The tests carried out on the joints connected with HSFG bolts demonstrated a decrease of the bearing capacity as a consequence of the painting layer used for the protection of the gussets. Under these circumstances it was advocated a new type of joint connected with normal bolts, based on the bolt strength when working in shear and compression on the hole.
The proposed box joint is capable to carry on the efforts from the node area without being necessary the HSFG bolts. A better behavior of the rotation of the KB profile in the box might be obtained in case of a better manufacturing process.
The experimental results obtained in the case of the 5mm thick profiles should be extended to other thicknesses (such as 3.0, 3.5 and 4 mm) used in several types of structures.
The actually accumulated experience during the tests allowed us to consider that the hardening of the KB profiles into the joint box might be better exploited, with significant economies in metal consumptions for joints.
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