Structural Health Bridge Evaluation with Static and Dynamic Tests
This article describes the norms in force for static and dynamic tests performed on bridge structures.
Because currently on the road began to move very large capacity vehicles and passing speed of 100 km / h, most bridges made with older than 20-30 years to be technical expert to determine they can be left in operation without a major intervention, or if possible intervention to increase bearing capacity, or need a new bridge implementation.
Attempts should be made to new bridges, with a ninth composition, special, or important bridges.
Static load that is subject to a bridge should be on a schedule set to obtain the most adverse effects.
For static tests, road convoys will travel at a speed of max. 5km / h until the characteristic positions, where they will stop and will be stationed until it stabilizes the superstructure.
For dynamic tests, the shares are given by the convoys, they must move at a constant speed. A greater impact can be achieved by creating uneven.
In order to make a comparison between the results of the test data in situ, and the results of calculations is necessary to know the values of actions requiring the bridge and their position on the bridge.
Measurements to be carried out during the tests are compared with values measured in a sleep state, the bridge is loaded with useful actions.
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