Analysis of Compressive Strenghts of Concrete Determined by Different Types of Sclerometers
One of the way of finding out the surface of concrete in construction are impact hammers in building practise the most widespread resilient impact hammers of Schmidt system. Sometimes there are also used nonnorm impact hammers for exmaple Masek impact hammer and Ciganek prong. By teoretical we can suppose that for same surrfaces will be at same trial place found same values of surfaces, but this presumption wasn't confirmed yet. In case of nonconfirmed tests of concrete it's needed to use only one type of impact hammer. For searching more accurate results is needed to make accurates tests of concrete, everytime for
concretes which are more than 1year old and for using different types of impact hammers for classification the surface of construction.
Full Text:
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EN 12504-2: Testing of Concrete in Structures – Part 2: Non-Destructive Testing - Determination of Rebound Number
CSN 73 1370: Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete: Common Regulation.
CSN 73 1373: Testing of Concrete by Hardness Testing Methods.
ISO/DIS 8045: Concrete, hardened -Determination of rebound number
ASTM C 805-97: Standard Test Method for Rebound Number of Hardened Concrete
BS 1881, part 202: Testing concrete. Recommendations for surface hardness testing by rebound hammer
NFP 18-417: Bétons – Mesure de la dureté de surface au sclérométre
JGJ/ T 23-2001: Technical Specification for Inspection of Concrete Compressive Strength by Rebound Method
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