Evaluation of the seismic safety of RC framed buildings designed according to EC-2 and EC-8
One of the main objectives of the design of earthquake resistant structures is to
ensure that these do not collapse when subjected to the action of strong motions.
Modern codes include prescriptions in order to guarantee that the behavior of the
elements and the whole structure is ductile. It is especially important for the
designer to know the extent of damage that the structure will suffer under a specific
seismic action, described by the design spectrum. To achieve this damage there are
several static and dynamic nonlinear procedures. This paper presents a procedure
for nonlinear static analysis in which the maximum displacements are determined
based on the condition of satisfying a minimum value of a finite element based
damage index. This procedure is validated by applying incremental dynamic
analysis, and is used in the assessment of the response of a set of regular
reinforced concrete buildings designed according to the EC-2/EC-8 prescriptions
for high seismic hazard level. The results of nonlinear analysis allows the
formulation of a new seismic damage index and of damage thresholds associated
with five Limit States, which are used to calculate fragility curves and damage
probability matrices for the performance point of the studied buildings. The results
show that the design of earthquake resistant buildings according to the
prescriptions of EC-2/EC-8 not only ensures that the collapse is not reached, but
also that the structural damage does not exceed the irreparable damage limit state.
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