Structural Identification – Decision Factor in Bridge Rehabilitation
The bridges from a motorway network are extremely vulnerable points. Interrupting their function may lead to severe economic, social and political consequences. In case to produce some catastrophic events (floods, earthquake, terrorist attack, etc.), the most serious consequences affect resistance of the bridge structure, affect serious the traffic and pedestrians comfort and. To re-establishment the traffic on the hi-way ,it is necessary to make an rapid intervention where the bridges are effected, to take in real time the decision to continue or to stop the circulation, to stabilize and identify the best reparation solution.
All this objectives can be touch thought construction a mobile laboratory with modal attestation and diagnostic in real time and who can ensure the possibility an quick intervention at distressed bridges, he is equipped with an electronic device capable to adopt and prioritize in real time the optimum reparation solution, who can give as the possibility to reestablish the vehicle traffic in the short time possible.
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