Decentralized seismic response control of a long span cable- stayed bridge for a benchmark problem
Complexity is a central problem in modern system theory and practice. The ability to study large complex systems is greatly enhanced by modern computing machinery. A theory of large-scale complex control systems is rapidly developing, supplying powerful tools that enable to solve effectively more and more practical problems in different areas.
Potential motivating advantages for using decentralized control schemes are in the reduction of transmission costs within the feedback loop, in the increasing of the reliability of the control operation in case of sensor/actuator/controller failures, the reduction of overall computational effort and the ability of parallel implementation in real time.
It is well known that the control of flexible structures represents a new, difficult and unique problem, with many difficulties in the processes of modeling, control design and implementation.
This investigation presents an overlapping decentralized control design for a cable-stayed bridge benchmark which was proposed within the structural control community to design and compare control schemes. The cable-stayed bridge has two towers as main structural elements. This naturally suggests the overlapping decomposition of a finite element overall dynamic model into two subsystems sharing a common part. Each subsystem is formed by a tower, adjacent cables and a part of the deck. The common shared part is formed by the central part of the deck.
The paper firstly describes the problem and the objectives of the control. Then the overlapping solution is proposed and the corresponding algorithm is shown.
The idea of decentralization of control has been numerically tested using a SIMULINK scheme and compared to the benchmark sample centralized control design using the LQG design.The performance of the overlapping decentralized control design has been assessed by means of given benchmark evaluation criteria, eigenvalue analysis and time responses. The dynamics of the closed-loop benchmark model with the overlapping local controllers exhibits an acceptable behavior though slightly worse than in the centralized case.
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