General and Particular in Checking up the Building Structures to Fire Action According to Eurocodes
In the present paper, a comparative analysis of parts1.2 from Eurocodes 2, 3 and 5 is performed.. The common and the specific features are pointed out, in order to have a unitary understanding of fire design problems for the main types of building structures.
The work defines first of all the fire action, identifying models which may belong to one of the following categories:
- reference scenario or design fire for natural/parametric fires;
- reference scenario or design fire for conventional/nominal fires,
and evaluates the states of loading for the elements, subassemblies and structures The specific requirements referring to strength, time and temperature are approached. Finally, the paper shows the methods used in the assessment of the internal forces produced by the design loads and of the carrying capacity, both in case of fire.
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Ordinul MAI 1822/394/7.10.2004, Regulamentul privind clasificarea şi încadrares produselor pentru construcţii pe baza performanţelor de comportare la foc.
Normativ privind Siguranţa la foc a construcţiilor P 118-99, I.P.C.T SA, Bucureşti, 1999.
CR 0-2005, Cod de proiectare. Bazele proiectării structurilor în construcţii.
Eurocode 1, Basis of design and actions on structures.
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