Capacity based earthquake design of reinforced concrete shear wall according to EC8
Any structural design can be considered satisfactory if it meets the three principal goals of structural performance: safety, economy and simplicity of construction.
The first two require a sufficient margin of safety against collapse. Also, the construction should be serviceable under working load conditions through its life time.
The topic of this paper is the analysis of the seismic response of reinforced concrete building using displacement based design model. For this purpose a typical Romanian residential building has been considered as case study. First, the equivalent static loads acting on the shear walls was determined by using simple hand calculations taking into account linear elastic behavior. An analysis of the most critical shear wall for the determined lateral forces was made by using two
different nonlinear analysis programs for comparison, namely the program ADINA [9] and the program ATENA 2D [10]. Seismic demands estimated in this structure using an equivalent single degree of freedom system derived from the first fundamental mode of vibration of the building.
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