Comparative Analysis of Some Methods for Dynamic Behavior and the Structural Design of Multistory Structures
This paper compared different calculation methods for the linear dynamic analysis of high multistory steel structures.
In order to exemplify the calculations, we choose a 26 levels structure which is up to be build now in Victoria Place, Bucharest.
Many tests were accomplished, on different ways, such as: modal analysis using vibrating eigenmodes; spectral acceleration using fundamental vibrating mode, two vibrating eigenmodes,…,12 vibrating eigenmodes – in order to relieve the contribution of eigenmodes; for the spectral analysis using 12 modes another set of tests was made for modal combination (SRSS, CQC, ABS, GMC, 10Pct, Dbl Sum); structural analysis using different combinations of the ground acceleration for Vrancea North-South and Vrancea East-West, the computations being realized in direct method and also using the vibrating eigenmodes.
The results of all the tests were registered in order to dignify the similitude of the results using more accessible methods with a more laborious calculation method.
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