Some general considerations about the behaviour and retrofitting solutions for the existing buildings with masonry structures
Being in countries with high seismic risks and vulnerability or mining subsidence we have the legacy of an existing buildings stock (with masonry and gravitational frame structures) which must became safety from all the view points.
Depending of each historical period of erection, buildings and structures are tributary to the knowledge level of that time including small or big mistakes, or spectacular technical solutions.
Passing from country to country, especially in Europe, you may observe a lot of similarities between architectural époques or structural styles, especially because the gravitational rules were imposed, using French, Italian or German Design Codes, more or less with the same content.
This may be a worse point but also an interesting idea, because being anywhere in Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Romania, Greece or Poland) for the same historical periods you may find the same architectural style of buildings and the same design for their structures. More or less it mean that will be a good reason to extend some of the information obtain for a country to the others, taking into consideration the each item.
In the followings, only the buildings with masonry structures were considered in the idea to optimize the possible retrofitting solutions.
Incremental-iterative procedures were used for approximate assessment of the response of unreinforced masonry buildings to seismic loads. Working within the framework of the shear-type structural behaviour, we propose a constitutive model for the resisting elements able to account for both the variation in lateral stiffness induced by cracking, and their sort of failure (i.e. ductile or brittle). Application to a practical case demonstrates how, when modelling walls with generic windowing, the manner in which they are subdivided into smaller resisting elements strongly influences the predicted structural response and the manner of failure of each wall.
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