Method for computation of priority order for Romanian bridge management system

Rodian Scanteie


Development of a bridge management system needs an algorithm for the computation of the order of priority. The order is generally based on a composite index. Such an index is necessary and no bridge management system can really perform its tasks without one.
Management of bridges implies a special attention in allocation of the funds to where the technical and economical needs impose and where the benefits are maximal. To establish a correct priority order the index taken into account must have a multi-criterial base.
Administrators, together with research organizations and universities, have created procedures to compute the urgency of intervention using multiple parameters. Selection of these parameters was made starting from the goals observed and the specific conditions concerning the administrator and the roads and bridges network.
This proposal is part of Romanian National Administration of Roads to develop a decision tool for the management of bridges.
The algorithm proposed in the article is very simple and  straightforward. It is based on the present regulations and it is not necessary to modify the present way of inspection of the bridges. The equations are very clear, simple and easy to use. Their form is logical and easy to explain.
A unique overall priority index was defined which makes the creation of a list of priority very handy. This priority index includes both degradation and functional influences. Based of simulation, their maximal values were selected in such a way that the final result to be balanced and meaningful. Levels of action were determined and introduced.

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