Numerical code for seismic analysis of structures incorporating energy dissipating devices
The nonlinear dynamic response of civil structures with energy dissipating devices is studied. The structure is modeled using the Vu Quoc–Simo formulation for beams in finite deformation. The effects of shear stresses are considered, allowing rotating the local system of each beam independently of the position of the beam axis. The material nonlinearity is treated at material point level with an
appropriated constitutive law for concrete and fiber behavior for steel
reinforcements and stirrups. The simple mixing theory is used to treat the resulting composite. The equation of motion of the system as well as the conservation laws are expressed in terms of sectional forces and generalized strains and the dynamic problem is solved in the finite element framework. A specific kind of finite element is proposed for modeling the energy dissipating devices. Several tests were conducted to validate the ability of the model to reproduce the nonlinear response of concrete structures subjected to earthquake loading.
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