The Generalised Mohr-Coulomb (GMC) Yield Criterion and some implications on characterisation of pavement materials
In this study a generalization of Mohr-Coulomb Yield Criterion has been
developed, implemented, and tested in practice. The practical usefulness of the proposed model is demonstrated with a case study
In the Generalised Mohr-Coulomb (GMC) Yield Criterion one introduces in the Plasticity Mohr-Coulomb Theory the complete three-dimensional stress state (σI ,σII ,σIII ), thus generalising the well-known Mohr-Coulomb Theory (σI ,σIII ). Indirectly, GMC also takes into account the influence of spherical tensor  σ~" , therefore  σ~" = σ~' + σ~ (σ~' = the deviatory tensor).
According to Soil Plasticity Theory, and the constitutive characterisation, the material model can be described by the cohesion c and internal friction angle Φ, or, alternatively, by the uni-axial strengths Rc and Rt . In the GMC model, the material is described by the generalised parameters c* and Φ* .
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