Doina Mira Dascalu


There are personalities which have such magnetism that every word surrounds you with perfume, color and light. The architect G. M. Cantacuzino was blessed with such a charismatic power. Reading his books, looking his drawings or paintings, means to enter in a special realm, beyond time and space. His language has rhythm and creates sounds that you can hear indeed. His paintings and drawings bring our soul into a dreaming and peaceful state. Entering in this atmosphere, you will be able to see trough his eyes all the treasures of the worlds that he describes or draw, you will hear trough his ears all the enchanting sounds of the nature and human beings.
G. M. gives to the Romanian architecture such explanations that you can understand all the complicated processes passed in the historical evolution. He feels those times, in a very dramatic way, because that period was full of dilemmas for the Romanian architecture and he feel all the problems like a sensible but objective annalist. We can say that he had an innate personality to analyze, to go and find all the roots of every artistic or stylistic hypostasis from the human history.
His entire creation gave him the right to talk, not as a dry and theoretical critic, but as a creator of exception.

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Cantacuzino G. M., Izvoare si popasuri, Ed. Timpul, Iasi, 1999 (in Romanian)

Cantacuzino G. M., Scrisorile catre Simon, Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1993 (in Romanian)

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Meta Modern Era, Computex Graphics, Bombay, India, 1995


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