Performance of the experimental road pavement sectors realized with asphalt mixtures stabilized with various fibers and improved bitumen on National Road NR 17, Vatra Dornei - Suceava
This paper presents the evolution in performance of some experimental road pavement sectors realized with asphalt stabilized with various fibers and improved bitumen on National Road, NR17.
A synthesis of the monitoring results, obtained during a period of more than five years is presented here with the appropriate conclusions and recommendations facilitating the implementation of tested technologies in the process of road rehabilitation programs in Romania.
Full Text:
Vlad N.-“Studiul contine interpretarea datelor meteo aferente perioadei de 30 ani pentru cele 18 statii meteo luate initial in considerare si stabilirea unor corelatii in vederea acoperirii intregului teritoriu conform metodologiei SUPERPAVE 1. Caiete de Sarcini. (in Rmanian)
Caiete de Sarcini pentru sectoarele experimentale de pe D.N.17 (in Romanian)
Chira C., Oltean C., Nas S., Lacatusu M. – “Contract nr. 16 din 19 iunie 2002â€.(in Romanian)
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