The use of accelerated circular track for performance evaluation and validation of technical specifications for the asphalt mixes stabilized with various fibers, in Romania

Nicolae Vlad, Radu Andrei


The research presented in this paper has been undertaken in the frame of Accelerated Load Testing (ALT -LIRA) facility at the technical University “Gh. Asachi†of Iassy, for performance evaluation and validation of national technical specifications for the asphalt mixes stabilized with various fibers, used for the construction of bituminous road pavements in the actual effort of road rehabilitation in Romania. The performance of five types of mixes involved in this research has been monitored and evaluated at various stages of the accelerated experiment before reaching the complete failure and compared between them and with the performance of a reference mix on a witness sector. Finally, specific failure criteria and valuable recommendations have been proposed for the use of practice industry, in this country.

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