The soil-structure seismic interaction phenomenon necessity and approach
Seismic soil-structure interaction analyses have achieved considerable improvement, over the world, concerning the definition of the seismic environment, the evaluation of soil properties and the estimation of the structural response.
The design of NPP on soft-to-medium stiff soils during the last decades has contributed to this improvement and a tendency to apply the soil-structure seismic interaction analyses for some special conventional buildings has also to be noted.
The paper presents the state-of-the-art concerning the soil-structure seismic
interaction analyses, the uncertainties involved in soil-structure seismic interaction analyses and some aspect referring to the accuracy in performing such analyses.
The article will also contain theoretical problems of the soil-structure interaction,
comments on ASCE 4-86 [1] norm presenting both the modeling and analysis ways of the soil-structure seismic interaction phenomenon.
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